Sunday 3 February 2008

Fifth Board Meeting on 2nd Feb 2008

Meeting Time : 10 00 hrs to 16 00 hrs
Attendance : Full

Programming Lead & Database Lead discussed and analysed the proposed data models. To be finalized by early next week.

Architectural design was being discussed.

User Interface was still in development stage.

Project Manager and QA & Change management Lead refined the change and control processes.

Here's the link the the draft version of the Software Project Plan. The finalized version will be uploaded soon.
Software Project Plan Draft

Some implemented User Interface


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1 comment:

Mr Liaw said...

Cool Unique Logo.

If possible, can you print out some of your baselined reports and show me during the coming tutorial for discussion.

Thanks, Wishing all of you Good Health and Excellent result in the year of the Rat.
Mr Liaw :)