Thursday 28 February 2008

Report Compilation

Send all documents for printing and compilation

Order of report:
  • Cover page
  • Main Content (Content of all Main Documents)
  • Software Project Plan
    • Planned Timeline
    • Task Allocation
    • Quality Assurance
    • Change Management Report
    • Change Request Report
    • Request for Enhancement/Modification Report
    • Defects Report
  • Software Requirements Specification
    • Use Case for Registered Users
    • Use Case for Normal Users
    • Use Case for Administrator
    • Use Case for Ticketing Officer
  • Software Design Specification
    • Relationships
    • Data Dictionary
    • Sample User Interface
  • Software Test Specification
    • Test Case for Add Movie
    • Test Case for Booking
    • Test Case for Registration
    • Test Results
    • Project Tasks
  • Iteration Plan
    • Iteration 1 Plan
    • Iteration 2 Plan
    • Iteration 3 Plan
  • Acknowledgement

9th Board Meeting on the 26 Feb 2008

Meeting Time: 19 00 hrs to 22 45 hrs
Attendance: Full

Finalized and Approved all documents:
  • Software Project Plan
  • Software Requirements Specifications
  • Software Design Specifications
  • Software Test Specifications

8th Board Meeting on the 25 Feb 2008

Meeting Time: 18 45 hrs to 21 30 hrs
Attendance: 3 present, 2 absent

Test cases up and done.

Started evaluating the test results:
  • Booking
    • Passed test cases - 100%
  • Registration
    • Passed test cases - 83.3%
    • Failed test cases - 16.7%
  • Add movie
    • Passed test cases - 78.6%
    • Failed test cases - 21.4%

7th Board Meeting on the 22 Feb 2008

Meeting Time: 19 00 hrs to 23 00 hrs
Attendance: Full

Test plan is yet to be finalized as the test cases and test results are yet to be done.

Started on the testing the system with respect to the test cases.

Actual results, passed/failed criteria and remarks added in the test cases.

Thursday 21 February 2008

File Repository Update

More files are uploaded into the File Repository. The previous versions are also included.

Sample User Interface

Movie Selection

Seat Selection

Ticket Order Details


View/Edit Profile

Virtual Banking

Update Tickets Status

Tutorial 5 - Task 1

Section 6 - Summary

Acceptance testing shall be carried out prior to acceptance of the SRS by the MOD PM. The acceptance tests shall be performed against an Acceptance Test Specification that are agreed between the Software Design Authority, the Design Authority and the MOD PM. The results should be recorded in the Acceptance Test Report. Acceptance shall be based upon the content of the Software Safety Case, the signing of the SRS Certificate of Design and satisfactory acceptance testing.

Binary images (including firmware) incorporating SRS shall be produced in a way that preserves the integrity of the SRS. The replication shall be controlled, with the version and configuration of firmware be uniquely identified in accordance with Def Stan 00-22. The binary images (including firmware) is checked by comparison with the master copy of the image. The replication process is subjected to safety analysis as part of the safety analysis of the SRS development process. The replication process and associated checks shall be defined so that the safety assurance is appropriate or the level of integrity of the SRS.

Tuesday 19 February 2008

6th board meeting on 18 Feb 2008

Meeting Time : 19 00 hrs to 22 15 hrs
Attendance : Full

Programming Lead & Database Lead discussed and finalised the data models.

Architectural design was being discussed.

User Interface still in development stage.

Programming Lead & Database Lead will work on the Design Specification Specifications.

Testing Lead started discussing on Testing Plan with QA & CM Lead.

Sample User Interface

Assign User Role

Arrange Movie Session

Change Password

Thursday 14 February 2008

File repository update

QA & CM Lead uploads

Tutorial 4 - Task 3 and 4

Task 3:
  • The reuse module might have processes that are not require or do not serve it purpose in the project. This redundant process will or might affect other processes indirectly, so software may not behave as expected
  • Too many reuse functions might not work well together
Task 4:
  • Portability of a function or software enables it to run on multiple platforms, so it reduces development time for company that wants to engage different user using different platforms
  • e.g. Surfing the web using IE or firefox

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Tutorial 3 - Task 1

  • Internal - correctness, reparability, maintainability
  • External - performance, visibility, understandability
  • Product - usability, portability
  • Process - timeliness, interoperability

Sunday 3 February 2008

Fifth Board Meeting on 2nd Feb 2008

Meeting Time : 10 00 hrs to 16 00 hrs
Attendance : Full

Programming Lead & Database Lead discussed and analysed the proposed data models. To be finalized by early next week.

Architectural design was being discussed.

User Interface was still in development stage.

Project Manager and QA & Change management Lead refined the change and control processes.

Here's the link the the draft version of the Software Project Plan. The finalized version will be uploaded soon.
Software Project Plan Draft

Some implemented User Interface


Now Showing

Coming Soon

Add movie

Promotion Details

Thursday 31 January 2008

Tutorial 2 - Task 1

Identify the main stakeholders for this project

  • users
  • trainers
  • IT support
  • facilities management
  • client management
  • catering services

Fourth Board Meeting on 31 Jan 2008

Meeting time: 20 00 hrs to 22 00 hrs
Attendance: Full

Business consultants met with individual stakeholders on Tuesday, 29 Feb 2008, with their proposed usage scenarios. These scenarios have been reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.

User Interface is still in development phase and is scheduled to be completed on Sunday, 3 Feb 2008.

Lead programmer and database lead had their first discussion on the data model and description.

Tuesday 29 January 2008

Third Board Meeting on 28 Jan 2008

Meeting time: 19 00 hrs to 22 00 hrs

Presented our proposed use case scenarios to individual stakeholders and received feedback from them.

Made changes to the use cases according to the stakeholders and will have our deliverables reviewed tentatively by tomorrow, 29 Jan 2008.

User Interface is still in development with constructive internal feedbacks.

Saturday 26 January 2008

Second Board Meeting on 26 Jan 2008

Meeting time: 10 00 hrs to 17 00 hrs

We finalized our Software Project Plan based on the RSPA template and started on the Software Requirement Specification.

We came up with use cases for each of the following actors:
  • Administrator
  • Ticketing Officer
  • Registered User
  • Normal User
We also started designing the User Interface (UI) using Microsoft Visual Basic.Net

Thursday 24 January 2008

First Board Meeting on 24 Jan 2008

Meeting time: 20 00 hrs to 22 00 hrs

We've decided on the RSPA template based on the following comparison. We will still go through the other templates and look out for their good points to integrate into our documentations.

Templates Comparison
    • Too many documents to maintain, making it messy
    • Not neatly organized
    • No table of content
    • Guidelines too brief
    • Suitable for small scale projects
    • Less documents to maintain
    • Suitable for large projects and easy to maintainability
    • Contains revision history, allowing control of change management
    • Template well explained

Work Discussion

  • Discussion on Software Development plan
  • Task allocation usage scenario
    • Administrator: Morris
    • Ticketing Office: Selamat
    • Registered user: Rahim & Shani
    • Normal user: Natalie